click on photo to see all available colors or varieties
Ice Plant
Delosperma cooperi
Vibrant flowers make an impressive display against succulent, gray-green foliage. An exceptional plant for dry, poor soils, it can be used as ground cover, in the rock garden, or as an edging in the perennial garden. Spreads quickly.
plant in full sun / blooms in early to late summer
Delphinium grandiflorum
Dramatic flowers, excellent cut or beautiful at the back or center of the garden. Especially attractive with foxglove, tall bearded iris and peony. Fertilize well and stake if desired.
plant in partial sun / blooms in early to midsummer
Mixed Patio Pot
A seasonal mixture of geraniums, spikes, fern and vinca vine. Excellent on front porches, sidewalks or patio displays. Adds a burst of color and a beautiful variety of foliage to any area.
plant in full sun or shade / blooms in early summer to early fall
Mixed Hanging Basket
A delightful mixture of blooming annuals and foliage. Display on front porches or at entries for a dramatic burst of color in a variety of heights with trailing blooms of differing lengths.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in early to late summer
Dianthus hybrid
Vibrant flowers are delicately fringed and often have contrasting centers or patterns. Strong stems make this an ideal cut flower. Short-lived; may reseed.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in late spring to late fall
Diascia barberae
With delicate, prolific blooms reminiscent of open-face snapdragon flowers, diascia is a colorful option for early spring containers, hanging baskets, or garden beds. Most often diascia is used as a cool-season annual, but in a warm climate, it can be grown as a perennial.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in early spring to early summer
Bleeding Heart
Dicentra spectabilis
Striking flowers attract hummingbirds to the garden and are excellent cut. Plant in cool, moist sidtes to prevent summer dormancy, or combine with hosta or ferns during hot, dry seasons.
plant in sun or partial shade / blooms in midspring to early summer
Silver Falls
Vigorous, fan-shaped, silvery leaves make an outstanding foliage accent in the garden. Cascading growth looks stunning spilling over the edge of a container or stone wall, or when used as ground cover. Very heat and drought tolerant.
plant in full sun
Galactophora crassifolia
Dipladenia is in the Mandevilla family but has a decidedly different growth pattern. Mandevilla vines climb up vertical structures to seek the canopy light. Dipladenia is a bushier plant whose stems grow down and hang.
plant in full sun to part shade
Dracaena indivisa
This favorite accent plant features long, sword-shaped leaves that provide interesting contrast in combination planters and gardens. Combine with flowering bedding plants for a dramatic display on patios, porches or decks.
plant in sun
Silver Dust
Senecio cineraria
Wonderful for providing color contrast to the landscape. Intricate, silvery leaves are finely textured. Striking planted with red flowers, in large groups or added to combination pots.
plant in sun or partial sun
Colocasia esculanta
Bold foliage adds tropical flair to the water garden. Individual leaves can reach up to 3 feet in length! In winter, bring inside to grow as a houseplant or dig bulb before frost.
plant in sun or partial shade
Euphorbias cover a wide range of sizes and zones. Great for fillers in both gardens and containers, they provide great ornamental interest with the added bonus of heat tolerance.
plant in full or partial sun / blooms in early spring to fall
Erysimum linifolium
Erysistible is the first Zone 5 hardy Erysimum available in novelty colors. Its medium-vigor controlled habit works well across all key container sizes. This first-year flowering perennial is ideal for early spring programs and works well in landscape settings and combinations.
plant in full or partial sun / blooms in early spring to fall
Ferns are a wonderful addition to the shade garden, with a variety of unique textures, from soft and deeply cut to bold and lance-shaped. Available in sizes perfect for low edgings, taller backgrounds or filler.
plant in partial sun to shade
Foliage and Ivies
Attractive plants available in all sizes, shapes and colors. Wonderful for indoor and outdoor decorating with a single plant, or with an arrangement of plants. Prefers moderate temperatures inside and outdoors.
plant in partial sun
Blanket Flower
Gaillardia x grandiflora
Vivid color for perennial or butterfly gardens. Beautiful in summer bouquet or planted with delphinum, pincushion flower and blue salvia. Trim attractive seed heads periodically to make room for new flowers. Tolerant of dry, poor soil.
plant in full or partial sun / blooms in early to late summer
Indian Feather
Guara lindheimeri
Delicate flowers bloom over a long season. A graceful filler that is wonderful in containers, and makes a nice accent in gardens or bouquets. Tolerates drought, heat and humidity. Prefers well-drained soil. Avoid wet soil in winter.
plant in full sun / blooms in summer
Treasure Flower
Gazania rigens
The plant habit is compact, but the flower power is anything but. It loves the heat and dry, well-drained locations. Can be used in rock gardens or on borders around driveways and sidewalks. Works well in baskets, containers, as ground cover, or as an accent plant in any sunny spot in need of color. Butterflies will flock to their large, bright blooms.
plant in full sun / blooms in spring to late summer
Ivy Leaf
Pelargonium peltatum
Large clusters of beautiful flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden. Cascading form is idea for hanging baskets, containers or as a trailing plant for garden's edge.
plant in full or partial sun / blooms in early summer to midfall
Seed / Zonal
Pelargonium hybrid
Large flower clusters in varying shades put on a fabulous display in gardens, baskets or containers. Groom plants by removing spent flowers and leaves. Feed regularly with a balanced fertilizer to ensure a fantastic show of blooms.
plant in sun or shade / blooms in early summer to early fall
Transvaal Daisy
Brilliant daisies in a lovely assortment of colors. Long-lasting as a cut flower and lovely planted in containers or at garden's edge. Often available in winter as a flowering indoor plant; set outdoors in summer. Where hardy, plants bloom in winter. Place in a sunny location.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in early summer to midfall
Globe Amaranth
Gomphrena globosa
Colorful, papery flower heads from summer to frost are a butterfly magnet. This compact variety typically grows 12 to 24 inches tall on upright branching stems, great for garden or container plantings. An excellent and long-lasting cut flower; dried blooms will retain their color.
plant in full sun / blooms in early to late summer
FloriGlory series
Cuphea hyssopifolia
Delicate flowers complement tiny leaves and are perfect for adding lacy texture and soft color to containers or garden's edge. A long-lasting addition to fresh flower arrangements. Makes a good houseplant where not winter hardy.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in early summer to fall.
Stunning flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden and are lovely in bouquets. Ideal for nearly any landscape situation: mixed shrub or perennial plantings, or mass displays. Dry conditions or too much shade may inhibit flowering.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in summer to fall
Helenium amarum
Vigorous and tough, North American native Helenium amarum 'Dakota Gold' thrives in hot or cool weather, humidity and drought, bearing a bonanza of golden, Daisy-like flowers on its neat 1' mound of finely textured foliage.
plant in full to partial sun / blooms in summer to fall
Coral Bells
Hummingbirds love these dainty, long-blooming flowers. Striking variety of foliage colors offer a nice display for perennial or rock gardens, along walkways or cut for long-lasting bouquets. Mulch lightly in winter to protect shallow roots.
plant in sun or shade / blooms in late spring to early summer
Eye-catching flowers make a dramatic and impressive statement in the garden. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, and is excellent in mixed perennial or shrub plantings.
plant in full sun / blooms in mid-summer to early fall
Plantain Lily
Hosta hybrid
Perfect for the shaded garden! An outstanding foliage plant, excellent as an edging or specimen in perennial gardens or mixed plantings. White or lavender lilylike flowers.
plant in partial sun / blooms in early to late summer
Hydrangea macrophylla
Unrivaled in the shrub world for their beautiful flowers, these elegant plants are easy to cultivate, tolerate almost any type of soil, and produce abundant blooms. Colors beguile with clear blue, vibrant pink, frosty white, lavender, and rose blossoms—sometimes all blooming on the same plant!
plant in partial sun / blooms in early to late summer
Polka Dot Plant
The dark green leaves of this colorful foliage plant are boldly splashed with shades of pink, red or white. Makes a great addition to mixed plantings, containers or hanging baskets.
plant full or partial sun
Iberis sempervirens
Profuse flowers attract butterflies to the garden. Striking as a ground cover, low hedge, topiary or in mixed containers. Vigorous spreading where hardy.
plant in partial sun / blooms in late spring to early summer
Busy Lizzie
Impatiens walleriana
Abundant flowers contrast beautifully with the rich green foliage. Highlights the shaded garden and is lovely in mixed containers, hanging baskets, or where a splash of color is desired.
plant in full or partial shade / blooms in spring to midfall
Chicken Gizzard
Iresine herbstii
Striking variegated leaves make a novel accent for mixed containers. Highlight the colorful foliage and stems by planting with bright flowers. Ideal for garden's edge or hanging baskets.
plant in sun or partial shade / blooms in late summer
Mexican Petunia
Ruellia brittoniana
Beautiful, rich green foliage gives rise to pretty petunia-like flowers. A fabulous addition to gardens and water sites, adapting well to both moist and dry soil conditions.
plant in sun or partial sun / blooms in early spring to late fall
#1 = 1 gallon pot, HB = 11" hanging basket, PP = 12" patio pot, otherwise, sizes shown are individual pot sizes. Photos are to show color and texture of foliage and blooms and should not be assumed to represent current appearance or size.